Wednesday, March 21, 2007

From the Arena to The Gym

More than simply aesthetics, physical fitness of the dressage rider is a key component in the effectiveness of the aides. That's my opinion anyway. I would know because I have ridden at different weights, and levels of fitness (I have photographic evidence if you don’t believe me!). Recently, I’ve been given a program by a trainer at my gym. The work out is designed to build muscle endurance. The goal of this work out plan is to condition me for a weeklong hiking/fishing trip I have planned through the Black Hills this coming July.

A blissful side-effect of this training regiment is that my riding has improved. Markedly. I feel the most difference in my collections, as well as the effectiveness of my half-halts. Now that I’m in better condition I feel my whole position, especially through my core, is more solid. Dobby can rely on my ability to better hold my position. I can't imagine what my rides will be as I continue to work my program!

I don’t believe a muscle endurance program like mine is necessarily the only answer. Many riders including, Lisa Wilcox, advocate Pilates and yoga as not only exercise, but also for the development of posture. I will touch on Yoga and Pilates another time.

What I am absolutely NOT saying here, is that dressage riders have to be skinny, ballet dancer-types. Dressage is a sport designed for all horses and for all riders. But it seems at times we riders are guilty of forgetting that dressage is in fact a sport. Amateur and professional athletes in all other sports condition themselves for competition. I believe dressage riders, frankly, all equestrian folk, should do the same. If we are willing to put the time and energy into conditioning our animals, we should be willing do the same for ourselves.

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