Wednesday, June 06, 2007

TD Talk - Episode One

In light of the scoring mistakes that took place at the LEC show this past weekend, I thought I would take a moment to inform competitors of their rights regarding miscalculated scores.

Although the show office takes every possible step to ensure the scores are correct before closing the class, pinning. and handing out the tests, mistakes do occur. COMPETITORS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR CHECKING THEIR SCORES. This means, along with your leather cleaner, boot spiffer, brushes and saddles pads, be sure to pack a calculator. The USEF Rule Book states that competitors have one hour from the posting of the scores to alert show management of a calculation error. If you do not approach show management within that hour, your miscalculated score will stand. It is important that your scores are correct, if not for placings/ribbons, but to ensure that your scores are reported correctly to the appropriate federations and organizations. If you have multiple rides and can't get to the office within the hour, have someone pick up your test for you and check the score. Don't just check the tape stapled to your test, actually calculate the total points and divide by the points possible. If you notice a mistake, alert the office. It might be a good idea to let the TD know as well, so that if there was a consistent mistake, the TD and secretary can make an attempt to get all tests back and correct the mistake before competitors begin to leave the show grounds.

Note to Show Managers: Always have two people scoring tests! Also, write down the time that you close the class and post the last score for each class on your master score sheet so that you will know when the golden hour for protesting has passed.

Note to Riders: If you have early morning rides and don't mind sticking around for a little bit, volunteer to help score tests in the office. You will learn a lot and it's a very easy way to get a few volunteer hours in for year end awards!


Anonymous said...

Just wanted to comment that other than some Saturday score sheets having some troubles, overall the show was very good. The footing on Saturday was deep and wet but you can't fight Mother Nature and win, but we all adapted. The show staff, grounds, stalls, supper, band, prizes, etc were awesome. LEC put on a fantastic show. They were always so helpful and friendly and made sure we all had a great time. I want to thank them for a wonderful weekend. I can't wait to show there again.

I am sure NDA board will get a way to correct the scores. But the show staff was able to correct some before we all headed out on Sat. I can vouch for that cause they came and got mine for that purpose. So they were trying. Just hard to catch riders that left early. Being a show secretary is a thankless job, but boy they were working hard and I give them a ton of credit for that. So Thanks as well to the office staff. Without them we don't have a show.


Anonymous said...

I'll put the caluclator I won in my door prize w/my show stuff!

Anonymous said...

Now that is a great way to get a calculater!!! What else did you win with your door prize?? I got a really nice zippered notebook I will use for dressage paperwork. It has a place to stick a calculator, which I will be purchasing the next time I get to town!!!

Hope all are enjoying our windy day today. I got two horses rode out in it. The wind was less a problem than flies. They attacked the horses so bad they were drawing blood. In my experiance when flies are like that the incoming storms are usually wicked. They are coming but will be late. hope all are safe tonight.


JameeLyn said...

Ditto on all of the kind words about all other aspects of the LEC show. I thought the barn owners and the management did a WONDERFUL job. It was exactly what shows should be....FUN!!! I think the LEC owners should be really really proud!

Anonymous said...

yes they should be proud of the show. I enjoyed it immensely. When the new dressage pen is totally finished it will be fabulous! I love their big outdoor "western" arena. That one is how outdoor arenas should be everywhere!!! That sort of size allows so many different types of riding. I am lucky in mine is nearly that large!

Course I ride western and Hunt seat so can be partial!!!

Storms are headed through. Hope all the horses are inside everywhere tonight.