Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Perhaps like me, you've looked at the entry form for the Movin' On Up Schooling show and thought "Gee, I didn't know NDA issued member and horse numbers?"

Then, like the good organized horse owner/competitor you are, pulled out all your NDA information and searched for your numbers only to find that in all of your stuff there simply is no NDA member number.

It MUST be a misunderstanding! An oversight. No biggie.

I sent an email to NDA Membership Chair, Sandy Harman requesting another copy of my missing numbers. In her kind email response, she informed me that many believe such numbers exist, but in reality, there are no such numbers.

NDA member numbers: the Big Foot of Midwestern dressage competitions.

Long story short, when you are filling out your entry forms for the Movin' on Up show, or any other show for that matter, disregard the NDA member number boxes. There simply aren't any.

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