Friday, April 06, 2007

What's Poppin'

Unless you're counting Jamee's wedding, there are no major horse related events goin' down in the area this weekend. Alas, we're left to find our own fun and education at home. I know I'll be busy! How about you?

Most of my weekend will be spent in the Grand Island area celebrating the happy occasion of Jamee's wedding. Of course, that doesn't mean Dobby's is off for the weekend. He's just going to get squished onto the to-do list before and after I leave for GI on Saturday morning.

For those of you who know us, I'm pleased to report that "Tha Dob" is working really well. We're both getting back into fighting condition this spring. He's doing really well, especially in his lateral work. I'm really excited about returning to the show ring with him this summer.

Sadly, we're struggling with his hooves right now, and it doesn't look like they'll be in shape enough to make it to the Shaggy in May. As soon as it arrives, I'll be profiling a topical hoof care product. And believe me, if this stuff works on Dobby, it will help anyone with bad feet.

Happy Easter everyone! I hope all of you readers enjoy a nice weekend with family and friends.

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