Tuesday, April 10, 2007

All Wrapped Up

If you were to drop by my apartment on an average Sunday evening you'd find me parked on my sofa between a mess of tangled white leg wraps and a stack of scraggly looking hand towels, colored black or grey. In my dining area you'd see white all- purpose pads air-drying over my chairs, having been bleached within an inch of their lives.

I'm fanatic about my horse laundry. I have tons of it because I only use my wraps once, and my saddle pads twice before they are washed. Yes, it's a lot of work to roll the polos, and a lot of bleach to keep saddle pads white. (Right now, I have to wash my pads twice to get all the spring hair and dirt off of them) I am dedicated to the cause of clean white "socks and underwear" for my Dobby. He's always worn white, and for the most part he probably always will.

Yesterday the horse undergarment white-out ended with the arrival of baby blue polo wraps. This is a big deal. In the 4 years I've owned my horse he's only ever been ridden in white. There are so many options now, saddle pads with beautiful ribbon trims, polo wraps in lovely colors, bling for bridles, spurs and now half-chaps. It's been hard to resist. I broke down over baby blue and I may again by ordering a pair of camel colored wraps.

I've been all white so long I don't think I'll ever be able to go full color. I love the way white looks. In my own mind, by riding in all whites all the time I honor the elegant legacy of my chosen sport. Now I'm trying to have a little fun with it, and some lovely muted colors.

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