Friday, June 08, 2007

The Prix Caprilli

The Platte Valley Dressage Schooling Show as well as Dressage at Colby Creek will be offering Prix Caprilli classes this year. Not many people know about Prix Caprilli....

Prix Caprilli is a dressage test with several jumps added in the test. They are in a set position and have to be jumped in the test order. The tests combine the elements of a dressage test with small jumping elements. The fences do not exceed 2' 6" and are single rail fences (like those in a Hunter Hack class) Marks out of ten are awarded by a judge for the movements, some of these will include a jump. We’ve started very easy so there’s no excuse not to have a go!

It is understood that in the working gaits, a jumping horse is not expected to be as round on the aids as a competing Dressage horse. The horse must softly accept the bit and may show more "roundness" in the parts of the tests separate from the jumps. Unless otherwise noted, trot work may be done posting or sitting. When allowed to change leads the horse may do a flying change or change though the trot. The quality of the change is what matters. Test may be called. Refusals will be penalized as an error of course. Knockdowns will be penalized at the judge's discretion. In the case of a knocked down rail getting in the way, the judge will ring the bell for the rider to stop without penalty. After the jump is replaced, the bell will be rung again telling the rider to continue from where he stopped.

You can view the tests and arena layout at the Dressage4Kids site:

Test 1 is for Training Level Horses

Test 2 is for First Level Horses

Sooooo.....Hunter Riders, Jumper riders, Hunter Hack entries...sign up. This is a great way to break up the monotony of your "average dressage test".


Anonymous said...

You refer to Dressage at Colby Creek. Does this mean another schooling coming up in Nebraska??? Details please if you have any. Thank you

JameeLyn said...

Yes, I am currently working on all of the necessary stuff for Dressage on Colby Creek, Aug. 18th. Ithaca, Nebr.

Anonymous said...

We had a schooling show in my area that offered Prix Caprilli. The first year they had to do a "demo" ride so people knew what it was about, then it was a total hit. The kids LOVED it!

Anonymous said...

Will the jumps be at 2'6" or will they be smaller??? I don't feel safe jumping my green "jumper" that high yet. Any chance of just cross rails?

JameeLyn said...

Test 1 is equal to Training level and that will likely have cross rails below 2' 6". Maybe 2' or a max. 2'2". The 2'6" is for the First Level test.

Anonymous said...

Ohhhh FUN FUN FUN!!!

Anonymous said...

Ok, that sounds a little more fun. I know others are concerned how high too. Perhaps better to go low cross rails the first time till we all know what we are doing???

Anonymous said...

I believe the classes are merely cross rails. It is not a full course of jumps, only 3.

In the description of the course, it says that the fences are not to exceed 2'6", which means they may be smaller.

However, 2'6" isn't as large as it sounds. It's basically enough to get most horses airborn. Much smaller and many equines will simply stride over the fence w/o jumping.

Anonymous said...

I realize 2.6 isn't that big of jump, but most riders that may attend this show don't get to jump a lot and horses are very green. smaller cross rails promote safety and a chance to learn how to do this without getting scared and creating issues that must be resolved later. I understand the descriptions and all that. that isn't the issue. safety and learning how to do this correctly are.

Anonymous said...

This discussion is getting nauseating. If you aren't comforatable with jumps or the class, don't sign up for it. Prepare and do it another day. Then let others give it a try. As I have said before, I have seen people only have a great experience with this class. It is supposed to be fun and all of the others that I have seen have had just that.

Anonymous said...


If you are interested in getting some jumping experience you can always try a schooling jumping show.

Hit the NHJSSC link on the side of the page for a schedule of events, and classes. They offer Baby Green hunter and acadameny classes.

I rode Dobby in a H/J show earlier this year (just in flat classes) and it was lots of fun. Good people!

Anonymous said...

I am not the one lacking jumping experiance. I have tons of it. I am looking out for inexperianced kids and horses. I know these kids. Geez what is wrong with that????????????? Xhalt I can't seem to write anything that makes you happy. So sorry you think I have NO experiance at anything. That honey is where you are so wrong. And just so you know, there are only a couple people in this immediate area that have even see Prix Caprilli. Most people don't have a clue what it is or how to ride it etc.

Anonymous said...

My point was....(and it was a very general point, that was CLEARLY missed) if people are concerned about the class, don't understand it or don't want to ride in it, they don't sign up.....nor do they don't make a big deal out of it.

This wasn't about you Anonymous, but somehow your made it all about you???!!!

So my point was AGAIN: Nuff said on this topic. STOP TALKING ABOUT IT

Anonymous said...

Xhalt, you are not the one who determines when this conversation stops.

I remind everyone to keep discussions civil. If you wouldn't say it to someone's face then don't say it here.

I don't care who started it, or how aggrivating it is, the comments section of this blog is no place for personal attacks.

JameeLyn said...

I have to agree with Margo, this blog is NOT for personal attacks or personal commentary about each commenter's skill and experience. Quite frankly, I feel that type of commenting lowers the credibility of something that Margo works on very hard.

I made this post ORIGINALLY to get some information out about the Prix Caprilli Tests. It was NOT about my show(s), a personal sales pitch or anything of that nature. Simply informational.

I am the secretary of two shows offering these classes and if I don't get any entries, I don't take it personally, nor do I believe it is because there are safety issues involved. It is Consumer Theory at its most basic level: If consumers don't want it, they don't buy it. Nothing more, nothing less.

Because the commenting line got personal and deviated from the point of this entire post. Any more comments on here will cause me to delete this post and reconsider anonymous posting.

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone!

The Prix Caprilli and Dressage Trail classes are just for fun! I had a blast watching a trail class last summer down @ Diane Usher's show and may get brave enough to give it a whirl myself on Royal this year! Please let me know, Jamee and Margo when the Colby Creek show entry form will be in the contact or on the NDA web Site!
Thanks a bunch, Jamee for putting on these shows! if nothing else, let me know and I'll vol to help! Dresagfan