Thursday, July 12, 2007

The Equine Gourmet

I bought Dobby some new treats from Smartpak. I ordered him some Hoofsnax, a cookie that is enriched with biotin. I thought this was a brilliant idea, Dobby LOVES cookies so we may as well use reward time as a booster to our hooves.

I got my cookies in the mail the other day, they looked good! I opened the bag, and man, they smelled good! Like cinnamon cookies, I had a hard time not eating one or two of them myself. I was sure Dobby was going to be gobbling these suckers up left and right. Hoofsnax, the new peppermint.

So last night I greeted Dob in his stall with these new cookies, and like the pig he is, he ate them down, but afterwards he made a face, and started licking his stall door. We went on to have a nice little ride together, afterwards when I went to reward his efforts with more cookies I was met with closed lips.

He didn't want them, doesn't like them and there is no way possible to get this food snob horse of mine to eat his healthy Hoofsnax. I even tried to shove them into the side of the mouth, using the human logic that if he just gave them another little taste he'd come around.

Nope, in the side of the mouth, jaw opens to drop cookies on the floor. Apparently, Dobby has gotten spoiled from all the homemade cookies he's been eating. We get those from our Grand-momma-Amma (Jamee's mom), and they are apparently the best.

Luckily, Dob's neighbor Reggae likes the cookies, so I'll just give them to his mom!


JameeLyn said...

Grand-momma-Amma will be flattered by Dob's snobbery!! :)

Anonymous said...

Ah, finally something new to read!!! Horses aren't stupid! they know who the best cook is!!!

Anonymous said...

Sure a funny anecdote! Royal will eat just about anything that doesn't bite him back,inc peppermints and Nature Valley's Honey & Oats granola bars--the hard crunchy kind! I finally got them out of my cupboard! Yea! That is really weird isn't it how some horses are so picky but others will eat anything and everything! Too bad ya had to pay out so much for those HoofSmax, but at least Dob's buddy Reggae devours them! Cute story, Margo.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it funny what horses will and won't eat? Mine won't touch a carrot or apple, but aren't real particular about cookies. Cute story

Anonymous said...

Hey how is everyone coming along preparing for the shows this weekend??? We need new material to read!!! I am preparing to go to Iowa to show in a "real" show July 28/29. I wish everyone the best of luck in Lincoln this weekend!